Monday 28 January 2013

RG Zeta part 1 ( an introduction)

YOSH!!! this is my 1st gunpla review ..., so in this part i gonna show how detailed the zeta is , the realistic decal, and the bonus featured for this kit..

As expected from RG, the detail is perfect... not too much..not too less...

front view

upper rear view

lower rear view

rear view without backpack

side view

side view

see.. the golden coloured  circle ( a screw i think) its actually a decal..

lost one of the part
 since the RG part too small, then it increase the possibility too loss some of the part, i lost the part that  is really important to lockup the leg thus preventing the leg from falling down, but then i replace it with unused  polycaps.

came with  different type of  mechanical hand , 2 short beam saber, 2x long beam saber, and  3x  wave rider stand 
1/144 Kamile Bidan figure

This kit also came with a book... i dunno what it is, because it in japanese... but i think the book telling about  some RG stuff , all RG kit info,  some diorama and artwork based on RG kit..and also the 11th RG series that will come out in the spring!!! RG destiny!!!
some diorama or art work based on RG kit in the book 
the cover page ,  

so that's all for the part 1, and for the next part it would be the Wave rider mode!!

                                                                               PART 2>>>>>>

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