Me and Gunpla...

Salam, and Hi, as for introduction i juz one to share what gunpla really is, nah! im not gonna explain juz find it on wiki's. Im start with this hobby since im 17, where im started with NG 1/144 Sword Impulse Gundam..From the moment im finished building the sword impulse, im started to love gunpla...  then i learn little by little about gunpla...  .  Since im still a student , its hard for me to developed my gunpla collection and   gunpla skill, as the money is the big problem.  So here are my collection until 2012..

gunpla collection 2012
Hahah!!! not too much right, nah ! is okay for a beginner, so for the next year i gonna collect more... Thats all.. for an introduction page...


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